Baby E Update: 38 Weeks

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Happy Sunday!  Just popping in to say 'hi' and for my (hopefully!) last pregnancy update!  Craziness.  Oh, and contrary to what the picture above might suggest, I actually do love my husband and being close to him.  Maddie's fluffy butt was just in the way of me getting any closer!  Ha.  

How far along are you? 38 weeks, 1 day.

Cravings:  Helloooo sugar cravings!  I really haven't have a huge sweet tooth for the majority of my pregnancy but the past few weeks I've been craving it like crazy.  Since it has gotten warmer my go-to dessert is ice cream (see ridiculous ice cream cookie sundae below), and slushies have been sounding amazing, too.  Other cravings: pizza, Thai food, strawberries, blueberries, watermelon, and fizzy drinks (La Croix is my favorite!).

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Food Aversions:  Nada.

Generally Feeling:  Ready to meet our baby!  I'm definitely getting to the point where I'm ready to be not pregnant.  While cutting back my hours at work has helped a lot with being so tired, I'm still super tired by the end of the day.  My feet have been aching more and my back/right hip have been bothering me, too.  Luckily Marc has been rocking at the foot rubs and back massages, which I can look forward to at night.

I've still been trying to get some exercise in most days, but have definitely ramped it down the past couple of weeks.  I stopped running last week because I feel like he is now lower in my pelvis and even walking is pretty uncomfortable, at times.  So I've been taking long walks when it feels good and going to yoga and barre classes.

Looking Forward To:  That first moment we get to see our son!  I get choked up every time I think about it and knowing it will be happening so soon makes me even more emotional.  And holding him!  I cannot wait for all of the baby cuddles all day and (likely) all night.  Gah I'm so excited I can't even talk about it.

Miss Anything:  A good night of sleep (doubt that'll happen anytime soon!), bending over with ease, and my summer clothes.

Movement:  Lots of wiggles and kicks!

What I’ve Been Loving:  While the anticipation of going into labor is killllling me, it's really fun sharing that anticipation and excitement with Marc.  Every night we talk about it and how things will be changing, and sometimes it freaks us out but mostly gets us giddy with excitement.  Okay, maybe it's just me that is giddy but Marc is pretty dang excited, too ðŸ™‚

I also went a little crazy buying some new baby clothes, which he doesn't need but OMG it's just too cute not to buy!  Like these pinstripe overalls.  Seriously, I die.

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Maternity Clothes:  Yep.  My regular workout tanks are definitely too small but I really don't care at this point.  A little belly popping out isn't going to kill me or anyone around me.

Boy or girl:  Boy!



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  1. Oh. My. Goodness. Those pinstripe overalls are adorable! So excited for you for these next coming weeks and months. Praying for everything to go smoothly! 🙂

  2. haha that first photo! Dogs are too funny! I can't believe it's so close! Crazy! I feel like you just announced you were pregnant!

  3. Eeekk! I can't believe how close you are! I'm so excited! And I love the family pic- you look amazing and Maddie is such a pretty girl!